Main Page
Adventure Band is the working title of a fantasy RPG from Shewstone Publishing. It is currently under early development.
TODO: Introduction saying many hobbyists want a narrative game and emergent moments. Adventure band is designed to make the story unfold in unpredictable ways. I wouldn't call it rules-light, but we don't regard complexity as desirable.
Open Game Content
The rules for Adventure Band are free to use, modify, republish, and sell under the Open Game License version 1.0a. The Drintera™ setting is Product Identity owned by Shewstone Publishing LLC.
The setting for Adventure Band is an original fantasy world called Drintera™. It's a world where adventurers explore lost cities, perform secret missions for lords and monarchs, and eventually become champions of the gods themselves.
Rules Engine
Updated June 2022: Adventure Band is based on the Fate Condensed rules engine. We settled on this instead of a D20-based engine, because there are plenty of good D20-based dungeon crawling games out there already. Fate™ is better aligned to our design goals (see below).
- Character creation
- Category:Ancestry
- Character Aspects
- Category:Character Classes
- Loot
- Equipment
- Skills
Design Goals
See also the Design Notes page.
- Inspire players and GM with narrative opportunities. The best moments are spontaneous.
- The best mechanics are simple. Be suspicious of complexity.
- Support creative problem-solving
- Emphasize teamwork and provide mechanical support for teamwork
- Playable with or without electronic tabletop
- Supports plugging into a homebrew or published setting. Setting is not baked into the rules.
Is Adventure Band for You?
Adventure Band may be to your liking if:
- a good story is more important than detailed rules.
- when players make something unexpected happen, your group runs with it.
- you want to solve problems creatively.
Adventure Band is probably not for you if:
- you want a high-power game.
- "crunchy" rules (where numbers matter) are important to your play style.
- plot twists and setbacks frustrate you.
- you want rules to be especially light and simple. Adventure Band doesn't attempt to be truly rules-light.