Character creation
From Adventure Band
- Start with the character class you want to play
- Choose your Ancestry and gender.
- Optionally, choose an Archetype
- Define the High Concept of what character you want to play.
- Select the Powers for your character class
- Choose Skills: 1 at Great (+4), 2 at Good (+3), 3 at Fair (+2), and 4 at Average (+1)
- Choose 2 Stunts
- Finish Character Aspects
- Choose Equipment
A completed character will have:
- A High Concept Aspect
- A Trouble Aspect
- 3 other Aspects, which may come from any combination of Ancestry or your character's background, personality, and relationships.
- 3 first-level Category:Powers, chosen from the lists for your Ancestry, character class, and Archetype
- Weapon and armor proficiencies determined by your character class
- 1 skill at Great (+4)
- 2 skills at Good (+3)
- 3 skills at Fair (+2)
- 4 skills at Average (+1)
- 2 Stunts (though some classes allow you to trade a power for a stunt)