
From Adventure Band

Dragonfolk are dragon-like humanoids. For rules purposes, dragonfolk are considered both dragons and humanoids. They're covered in scales, which can be any of the colors found in larger dragons.

Suggested Skills

The following skills bring typical dragonfolk physical attributes to the forefront. Some dragonfolk exhibit these attributes more than others, so they may not be important for your character. Your character's personality and learned skills are shaped more by their culture and background than by their ancestry.

  • Menace : It's easy to look scary when you're a humanoid dragon.
  • Physique : Dragonfolk are as big as orcs and humans, so they're often strong and tough.
  • Perception : Like their dragon relatives, dragonfolk often have keen senses.
  • Magic : Magic is only available if you have the Magician class. Dragonfolk's inclination to magic may be more cultural than inherited (and therefore not prevalent in all dragonfolk cultures), but it's often said that dragonfolk have magic in their blood.


Ancestry Stunts

The following stunts are unlocked by the Dragonfolk ancestry:

Suggested Stunts

Stunts that may align well with a Dragonfolk character are: