Second Shot

From Adventure Band

Restricted Stunt
Class: Warrior
Skill: Shooting
Level: 5
Other: None

When wielding a bow or similar rapid-firing weapon, you can split your Attack Effort between two targets, provided they are in the same zone. You must divide your Effort as evenly as possible. You make this decision after your Effort is final -- that is, after you're finished invoking Aspects and making other adjustments. Each opponent rolls to Defend separately. For each target that you hit, add your full Weapon rating to the damage (you don't divide the Weapon rating between the two targets).

Example: You're wielding a bow (Weapon:2) and shooting at a goblin who has several allies in the same zone. You roll an Epic (+7) ranged attack. You would split that into Great (+4) and Good (+3). You assign the Great (+4) Effort to the first goblin and the Good (+3) to another goblin. The first goblin rolls Fair (+2) to Defend and the second goblin rolls Great (+4). You hit the first goblin with two shifts and add your bow's Weapon value of 2, for a total damage of 4 (which may be adjusted downward by the goblin's armor). You miss the second goblin because its Defense Effort was higher than your Effort.